Author: avdp
Closing Ceremony 才藝成果發表
Each language class and cultural class performed at the 2016-2017 year-end presentation. 2016-2017學年的成果發表會
Mother’s Day Celebration 慶祝母親節
On May 14, 2017 our students celebrated Mother’s Day by performing a tea ceremony and presenting a flower to their mothers. 2017年五月14日學校慶祝母親節,學生為母親奉茶及送上一朵鮮花。
2017-18 Information Posted! 報名表和行事曆
The registration form and school calendar for school year 2017-2018 has been posted.
Reflection on a Still Thought 靜思語的感想
Reflection on a Still Thought 靜思語的感想 劉芸語 (知足班學生) Before we criticize others, let us consider whether we ourselves are perfect and without flaws. I picked this still thought, because it...
Tzu Chi Teachers and Students Visiting Senior Center 慈濟師生訪問老人院
Tzu Chi Teachers and Students Visiting Senior Center, December 10, 2016 慈濟師生訪問老人院
Halloween Celebration 萬聖節活動
Halloween Celebration, October 30, 2016 萬聖節活動
Fish in the water 魚兒水中游
Fish in the water 魚兒水中游 黃琦惠老師 This year, we have eight happy students in K2 class. For the past three months, quite a few things have been taught and learned...
Happy Learning 快樂的小班
Happy Learning 快樂的小班 黃琦惠老師 Twelve Sundays have flown by since we started the new school year. How wonderful it has been to meet the new students and enjoying the opportunity...
Chinese Calligraphy 書法課
Chinese Calligraphy 書法課 張煜芳老師 It has been my pleasure to teach Chinese calligraphy this year. During the class, we talk about the basic tools for Chinese calligraphy-the four treasures of...
Haiti and Me 海地與我
Haiti and Me 海地與我 陳靈芬老師 In January 2010, Haiti was struck by a devastating earthquake, which caused catastrophic damages and casualties in the country. Since then, Tzu Chi Foundation...