Calendar 行事曆

2024-2025 School Calendar/ 2024-2025學校行事曆

Download 2024-2025 CALENDAR 學校行事曆下載

** 愛的叮嚀 (Reminder):

** 上課時間是早上9點30分到下午1點,點心時間是早上11點15分。請學生自帶喜愛的點心及飲水。 (School starts at 9:30 am and ends at 1:00 pm, snack time at 11:15 am. Student shall bring his or her own snack and water.)

** 校服是繡有校徽的白色上衣 (可在學校請購) 及請自備深藍色卡基布料長褲。(School uniform is the white shirt embroidered with school badge (available at school requisitions), and bring your own dark blue khaki pants)

** 緊急聯絡電話號碼: (Emergency Contact Phone Numbers) 412-680-9964

** 退費辦法請看報名簡章。 (Refund policy please see registration brochure)

** 如果您的小孩有任何過敏,敬請告知班導師! (If your child has an allergy, please let the room teacher know.)

** 文藝課選課登記及學生意外豁免同意書,要跟註冊報名表一起填寫。(When register, should come with Culture class selection form and Student Waiver statement)

上課時間: (School hours) 09:30 AM ~ 1:00 PM

中文課 (Chinese Language) 09:30 AM ~ 11:15 AM

點心時間 (Snacktime) 11:15 AM ~ 11:35 AM

人文課 (Humanity class) 11:35 AM ~ 12:05 PM

文藝課-選修 (Elective Class for Chinese Culture and Arts) 12:10 PM ~ 1:00 PM

倘因天候、校舍使用及其他因素,行事曆有所變動時,當另行通知。This calendar is subject to change.